Past Is Prologue by Tycho
Past Is Prologue
Tycho is the sound of a relaxing weekend; of golden sunlight shining through the windows with an accompanying cool breeze. This is focus music that I don’t ignore.
Track recommendation: Send and Receive
Lullabies For Adults by Youth Valley
Lullabies For Adults
Youth Valley
This won’t be everybody’s cup of tea but this album was a real winner with me. The singer vacillates between The Smiths and Depeche Mode while the music is all 1990’s shoegaze.
Track recommendation: Father Forgets
Dear Wormwood by The Oh Hellos
Dear Wormwood
The Oh Hellos
The Oh Hellos set themselves apart with Celtic song structures and beautiful vocal harmonies. This album in particular does well at tapping into the feelings of picking yourself up after a fall.
Track recommendation: Soldier, Poet, King
Running by Cafuné
This is the musical version of a lush, blue sky summer break where few things can break into your little world of chilling with friends in the sun. The possibility of a new love. Easy come, easy go. Driving is more important than where you end up.
Track recommendation: Tek It
Goodbye by Ulrich Schnauss
Ulrich Schnauss
There are feelings and emotions rooted in the deeper, darker heart of ourselves that can only be touched by diving below our surface. Music is a frequent guide to accessing this unexplored territory and helping us explore what we don’t have words to express. This album has become one such guide for me.
Track recommendation: Stars
Fever Dreams Pts 1 - 4 by Johnny Marr
Fever Dreams Pts 1 - 4
Johnny Marr
Turns out that the guitarist and co-songwriter of the Smiths doesn’t need Morrissey to make great songs. If you only listen to one song, make it the opening track: Spirit Power and Soul.
Track recommendation: All These Days
Shore by Fleet Foxes
Fleet Foxes
I was excited to hear a Fleet Foxes album that reaches the heights of their first release. These are the perfect haunting melodies for keeping warm in winter.
Track recommendation: Sunblind