SVIIB by School Of Seven Bells

Auto-generated description: A pink, textured sphere sits against a gradient background with the text SVIIB below it.

School Of Seven Bells

This posthumous album wouldn’t exist without the courage of Alejandra Deheza diving back into her lost partner’s laptop to find the musical pieces he left behind and resolve them into a finished album. The process must have been healing because, even though the pain of her loss is evident, an intimate hope permeates throughout.

Recommended Track: Ablaze

Six Wheels On My Wagon by Fluke

Auto-generated description: A collection of metallic circular rods of varying sizes is arranged on a plain background with the text FLUKE - SIX WHEELS ON MY WAGON at the top.

Six Wheels On My Wagon

In a similar way to contemporaries like Orbital and Underworld, Fluke made albums that were designed to be listened to in full. Sure, some tracks were pulled out for singles but the melodic flow of the entire album is where the real joy in listening can be found.

Recommended Track: Groovy Feeling

Songs From The Cool World by Various Artists

Auto-generated description: A cartoon woman in a white dress poses next to the text Songs From the Cool World against a dark background.

Songs From The Cool World
Various Artists

Easily one of the most influential albums to me ever. This has been in my yearly rotation ever since I bought it on tape back in 1992. Before this album, British meant The Beatles but after my ears were opened to the then-new electronic dance sounds coming out of the country, my tastes were forever changed.

Recommended Track: Papua New Guinea - 7" original

Hello by Poe

Auto-generated description: A circular design features the word Poe with a star-enclosed portrait and Hello written in red.


When I bought this album in the middle of my sophomore year of high school, I had no idea that I was about to listen to a piece of art. It’s a crime that so few people know about it. This is the album that birthed Alanis Morissette’s Jagged Little Pill and helped her brother, Mark Danielewski, write the novel House of Leaves. Listen past the 90’s grunge tracks and you’ll find artistic fusions of electronic, jazz, and hip-hop.

Recommended Track: Dolphin

Je Suis Une île by Halo Maud

Auto-generated description: A close-up of a person’s face, partially in shadow, highlighting their eyes and lips.

Je Suis Une île
Halo Maud

I enjoyed Halo Maude’s 2024 album, Celebrate, so I figured I needed to give her 2018 one a try and found there’s lots to like. The less “driven” rhythms of this album gives it the pacing of summer; the tracks encouraging you to slow down and bask in them without demanding you pay close attention. As the kids say, “It’s a vibe.”

Recommended track: Du pouvoir/power

Ladyhawke by Ladyhawke

Auto-generated description: A woman dressed in casual clothes is kneeling and playing video games, surrounded by cats and musical equipment, under the text LADYHAWKE.


This whole album is filled with the driven excitement of youth that refuses to stop. You don’t fully understand yourself or others but the only way you’ll find answers is to dive in and mix it up. Bodies heal and so will your emotions.

Recommended Track: My Delirium

Get Ready by New Order

Auto-generated description: A person wearing a casual t-shirt and jeans holds a camera up to their eye, with a horizontal red line cutting across the image.

Get Ready
New Order

Back in 2001, MTV only played decent music videos between midnight and 4 am and it was in that late night haze that I discovered this album. While it’s far from a perfect album, there are a significant number of tracks that hit. And when they do hit, they hit hard and prove that New Order “still got it.”

Recommended Track: Crystal

Up in the Air by Bent

Auto-generated description: A cow stands in a lush grassy field under a vibrant sky, with the text bent up in the air in the top left corner.

Up in the Air

Discovering Bent had released a new album in 2020 was like finding a favorite snack that I didn’t think anyone was making anymore. I’m just as in love with it as I am with their previous albums. Their lush production connects with something deep inside my brain and makes me feel like I’m being welcomed into a fantastical world that I never want to leave. I think I’ll just hit repeat.

Recommended Track: When You Come By

Our Time in Eden by 10,000 Maniacs

Auto-generated description: A colorful floral pattern is paired with an illustration of two faces in profile, featuring the text 10,000 Maniacs and Our Time In Eden.

Our Time in Eden
10,000 Maniacs

For at least a year of middle school, my family would put this album on during dinner and everyone would end up singing along with it. I’ve listened to this whole album so many times that I no longer have an impartial view of it.

Recommended Track: Eden

Jazz Du Jour by Djangophonique

Auto-generated description: Four stylized musicians are playing instruments, including guitars, a double bass, and a clarinet.

Jazz Du Jour

I first encountered this band at the Detroit Jazz festival where they literally stopped me in my tracks. Since then, I’ve had the pleasure of seeing them live many more times and I can’t get enough of their Jazz Manouche style. I can personally say this live album is as close as it gets to the real thing.

Recommended Track: What is This Thing Called Love?

Spirit Youth by The Depreciation Guild

Auto-generated description: A figure composed of fragmented yellow and red triangles on a dark background points towards a yellow paper airplane with text that reads /thedepreciationguild / spirit youth /.

Spirit Youth
The Depreciation Guild

This album is a hot drink after coming in from the cold. It would be easy to mistake it for just another dreamy shoegaze album on your first listen but there is a lot more happening musically in each song. This is an album that begs you to live with it long enough to hear all of its secrets.

Recommended Track: Dream About Me

Momentary Presence by GIFT

Auto-generated description: A vibrant, abstract, and blurry image in red and orange tones with the words GIFT and MOMENTARY PRESENCE at the top.

Momentary Presence

This is an energetically dreamy album. GIFT blends synths of the 80’s with the vocals of 90’s shoegaze over 2000’s rhythms. It makes for music that feels out of time in the best way.

Recommended Track: Gumball Garden

Celebrate by Halo Maud

Auto-generated description: A smiling person with long hair is partially obscured by a translucent, pinkish veil.

Halo Maud

Adventerous and difficult to pin down by genre, Halo Maud feels like somebody who grew up listening to some of my favorite artists. The French sensibility she brings to familiar sounds and structures is refreshing and something I want more of.

Recommended Track: Last Day Song

For That Beautiful Feeling by The Chemical Brothers

Auto-generated description: Wavy lines in blue, orange, yellow, and green create a dynamic pattern with The Chemical Brothers logo and For That Beautiful Feeling text.

For That Beautiful Feeling
The Chemical Brothers

I had all but given up on The Chemical Brothers after my disappointment with Born In The Echoes but this album finally feels like one of my favorite bands found their voices again. I especially love how the brothers managed to find new sounds without resorting to a collaboration album. It is a swirling escape that I want to ride until its crescendo ending.

Recommended Track: The Darkness That You Fear

Lovesongs For Underdogs by Tanya Donelly

Auto-generated description: A person is lying on the ground with the text Tanya Donelly Lovesongs for Underdogs above them.

Lovesongs For Underdogs
Tanya Donelly

The same year of this album’s release, I was released from high school and we spent many happy hours driving in my car together. If you fell in love with Tanya Donelly from her days with the band Belly like I did, this album has more of those wonderful sounds in store for you.

Recommended Track: Landspeed Song

playpen by Juliet Ivy

Auto-generated description: A child rests atop a large red box with ribbon in an open grassy field surrounded by trees under a partly cloudy sky.

Juliet Ivy

A surprising new find from my wife. It would be easy to blow it off as playful and short but the unapologetically fun and feminine-forward emotions Juliet Ivy has packed into those five tracks makes me want to hear more.

Recommended Track: boytoy

99 Cents by Santigold

Auto-generated description: A person is encased in a giant plastic bag surrounded by various colorful objects, with a price tag indicating 99 cents.

99 Cents

Santigold is a pop genius who is somehow able to add substance to normally temporal music and give it staying power. 99 Cents continues to outlast the twenty-teen trends it plays with.

Recommended Track: Rendezvous Girl

How Lost by The Fauns

Auto-generated description: Abstract red background with intersecting white lines and the text the fauns in the corner.

How Lost
The Fauns

I can’t stop listening to this amazing album! I’ve apparently heard single tracks from The Fauns before, sprinkled into playlists, but never stopped to give them a proper listen. I was missing out on some of the most innovative shoegaze being made today.

Recommended Track: Shake Your Hair

Ghosts by Hania Rani

Auto-generated description: A dark scene features text reading HANIA RANI GHOSTS above a grassy landscape.

Hania Rani

Ghosts is an appropriate title for this beautifully haunting album. Hania Rani moves beyond her pure piano works to compose atmospheric and compelling tracks that express her hopes and fears.

Recommended Track: Hello

one-room survival by Serani Poji

Auto-generated description: A plastic water bottle with a blue cap features a label containing text in English and Japanese.

one-room survival
Serani Poji

I’m always up to hear some Shibuya-kei. This album (trans. One-Room Survival) came as a recommendation from my daughter which shows how well she knows me. It’s hard to have a bad day with such happy music.

Recommended Track: ラブレイバー / LOVELABOR